Friday, December 25, 2009

Does anybody have any recipes for face masks that really work?

I have tried other things but they dont really work. My face is the same. I would like it to be homemade.Does anybody have any recipes for face masks that really work?
1 cup yogurt

2 tablespoons of baking soda

1 cucumber run thru a blender

1 avocado

2 teaspoons whole wheat flour

mix for 10 minuets , let rest for 15 minuets in refrigerator

apply to the face and let dry in 1/2 hour ........ rub off after ...nice clean skinDoes anybody have any recipes for face masks that really work?
ok hun this might work

try 2 spoons is yogert, 1 graded strawberry, 2 tsp orange juice, 1 tsp cooked oatmeal,

stir well untill mixed wet finger tips, rub on face, then after 15-20 min, wash of gently w/ warm water

Hope that helped! =)
It depends in what type of skin do you have. If you have it oily like mine, I have a recipe from a dermatologist that really works.

Mix oatmeal flakes, pancake flour and water. Just mix enough for one time use, otherwise it gets dry. Use the same amount of oatmeal ( not cooked) and pancake flour, mix it with water until it makes a sticky paste. Put it on your face until it dries, you will feel like your face is been suck, or shrink. Remove with warm water.
google it

if u wanan talk more email me
mashed avocado is good for oily skin

egg white is good for mature

banana and natural yoghurt is great for dry

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